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Milton Personal Injury

Accidents and unexpected events occur every day across the United States. You may be injured at work, while traveling with your family, or during a hospital stay while receiving medical treatment. These traumatic experiences can cause extraordinary physical and psychological pain. Also, financial problems often arise as a result of unpaid medical bills and treatment costs.

Spaulding Injury Law is ready to help you defend your legal rights today. Our litigators can help you recover a financial award that will compensate for your personal injuries. You can call our office today and schedule a free consultation. We can assess the facts of your case and help you determine the best course of action to pursue.

You should not have to suffer through this experience alone. An experienced Milton personal injury attorney can help you deal with the legal complexities related to filing claims, discovering evidence, settlement negotiations, trial, and more.

Personal injury law is the area of the law that provides injured parties with resources for holding responsible parties liable for their negligent conduct. If you have suffered personal injuries as the result of another person’s negligence, then you should contact Spaulding Injury Law today and schedule a free consultation.

How Do I Find A Personal Injury Lawyer?

You should look for a personal injury lawyer with a record of winning cases like yours. Some lawyers may try to settle your case prematurely and prevent you from obtaining the financial award you deserve, and you want an attorney who will fight for full compensation in your case.

The attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law have the resources and experience to carry your case through to a jury trial or a bench trial when needed. When you are searching for a personal injury lawyer, you want to retain a professional you can trust.

You also should choose an attorney who will listen to you when you express concerns about the progress of your case. The attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law will guide you through every stage of your case and help you understand your legal rights.

When Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

A personal injury attorney can help you with many different types of personal injury cases. The following are some of the cases our personal injury lawyers work on throughout the year.

Car Accident Cases

Motor vehicle accidents can change a person’s life forever because the risk of serious bodily injury is so high. Automobile accidents are often caused by the negligence of another party. A personal injury lawyer can help you obtain a financial award that will help you pay for medical bills, physical injuries, and lost wages.

Our experienced Milton personal injury lawyers can also help you recover monetary compensation for pain and suffering as well as loss of consortium. If you are suffering due to the effects of the injuries you suffered during an automobile accident, then call Spaulding Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.

Trucking Accident Cases

A Milton personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of trucking accident cases. Many injured victims in trucking accident cases suffer from spinal cord damage, as well as brain damage or other catastrophic injuries. These legal cases can be extremely complex due to the number of liable parties that may need to participate in the case.

You can retain a personal injury attorney, and he or she may realize that more than one at-fault party exists. For example, the trucking company might share liability, or the manufacturer may be responsible for the malfunctioning device that caused the trucking accident.

Motorcycle Accident Claims

If you are injured while riding a motorcycle, it is possible that someone else was at fault. Too often, other drivers fail to operate cars with proper care, and they might be too distracted to notice a motorcycle in the next lane or in oncoming traffic. Many motorcyclists file successful injury claims against negligent drivers and other parties. This is particularly important because motorcyclists tend to sustain severe injuries in crashes, as they have little to protect them from an impact.

Pedestrian Accident Claims

Like motorcyclists, pedestrians also have nothing to protect them when they get hit by cars. They often sustain multiple traumatic injuries that need emergency medical care. This is often only the beginning, however, as many pedestrians then face a lengthy treatment plan and possible long-term impairments and complications from their injuries.

If a driver failed to yield to a crosswalk or was impaired and crashed into someone on the sidewalk, they should be held fully liable for every cent of the pedestrian’s losses. These accidents can occur almost anywhere in Milton – from intersections to parking lots or even in front of your own home. These claims often have high values due to the severity of pedestrian injuries, so you want the right lawyer on the case.

Slip and Falls

When you hear the term “slip and fall,” you likely do not think of a serious accident and injuries. However, falls are a leading cause of life-changing injuries for older adults, and they can result in serious injuries to people of any age, as well. Some common slip and fall injuries include:

  1. Broken hips
  2. Other fractures
  3. Neck and back injuries
  4. Concussions and brain injuries
  5. Spinal cord injuries
  6. Soft tissue injuries
  7. Cracked tailbone

If your slip and fall accident happened because a business or property owner allowed hazards on their premises, you can take legal action to hold them accountable. These claims can be more complex than you might imagine, since companies will often try to blame a fall on the clumsiness of the victim to avoid liability. You want an experienced injury lawyer handling your case.

Call Our Milton Personal Injury Lawyers Today

If you suffered bodily injury in any type of accident, then you should seek legal representation from Spaulding Injury Law to make sure that you defend your legal rights and hold all liable parties accountable for their negligent actions.

Our attorneys possess years of experience and are prepared to help you every step of the way. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation and learn about your legal rights and how you can protect them.