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Alpharetta Pedestrian Accidents

Alpharetta Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there is approximately one pedestrian fatality every 88 minutes as a result of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. On a per-trip basis, American pedestrians are 150 percent more likely than vehicle occupants to be fatally injured in a car crash.

Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents are on the rise here in Georgia, with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety reporting a recent 60 percent increase in pedestrian deaths despite a decrease in the overall number of statewide traffic fatalities.

Alpharetta Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

If you were involved in an Alpharetta pedestrian accident, you may be grappling with painful injuries and wondering how you’ll recover. The attorneys of Spaulding Injury Law can help. Contact us now for a free case review with one of our knowledgeable injury lawyers.

Why Hire an Alpharetta Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?

Healing from the trauma of a pedestrian accident is overwhelming enough without the added stress of trying to wrangle the money you need to recover from an insurance company. Pedestrian accident lawyers are professionals who have the knowledge and experience to help you manage even the most complicated aspects of your claim. Hiring a pedestrian accident lawyer is a good idea because:

  1. Lawyers have experience handling cases like yours.
  2. A lawyer can explain your rights and provide professional legal advice.
  3. An attorney can communicate with others on your behalf.
  4. Lawyers can conduct independent investigations to uncover crucial evidence.
  5. Personal injury attorneys can manage all of the complicated claim paperwork and legal deadlines for you.
  6. Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means they do not charge legal fees unless they recover compensation for your case.
  7. An attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to ensure you receive the highest possible settlement.
  8. Lawyers can represent you in court if insurance settlement talks stall.

Who Is at Fault in a Pedestrian Accident?

Many pedestrian accidents occur because drivers are negligent or violate traffic safety laws. Some of the common reasons why pedestrians may be struck by a vehicle are because the driver is:

  • Speeding or driving too fast in school or construction zones
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Ignoring traffic signs, signals, or road markings
  • Impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • Not paying attention while backing out of a driveway, garage, or parking spot
  • Not looking for pedestrians in the crosswalk when making turns at intersections
  • Distracted by texting while driving or talking on the phone or to passengers
  • Not paying attention to inclement weather conditions
  • Too tired to drive safely

If your injury is due to drunk driving, distracted driving, or some other form of negligence, an experienced accident attorney can help you pursue compensation for the harm you have suffered. 

What If I Was Struck by a Commercial Vehicle?

Commercial vehicles are frequently involved in pedestrian accidents, both on busy city streets and in suburban neighborhoods. Unfortunately, pedestrians are commonly struck by commercial vehicles such as:

  • USPS mail delivery trucks.
  • FedEx, UPS, and Amazon delivery trucks.
  • Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare vehicles.
  • Grubhub, DoorDash, and other food delivery cars.
  • Passenger buses and taxis

If you were hit by a commercial vehicle as a pedestrian, you may be able to hold commercial entities responsible for the negligent driving of their employees. This can provide more opportunities for you to recover the compensation you need to heal. Our legal team of knowledgeable Alpharetta pedestrian accident lawyers will thoroughly investigate your case and identify all potentially liable parties and sources of compensation.

How Much Is My Pedestrian Accident Claim Worth?

Pedestrian accidents typically involve catastrophic injuries and astronomical medical expenses due to the lack of protection against the massive weight, size, and force of a vehicle.

Each pedestrian accident claim is different. An attorney can help you estimate how much your pedestrian accident claim could be worth by analyzing the following damages you may have experienced:

  • The cost of your past and current medical expenses, including ambulance rides, hospital stays, surgeries, and medications
  • The estimated cost of future medical treatment you will likely need, such as in-home care, physical rehabilitation, and therapy
  • Incidental costs you incur because of your injuries, such as the costs of medical travel, durable medical equipment, and home accessibility modifications
  • The value of any income you lose while you recover from your injuries
  • The estimated value of any potential future income you lose as a result of long-term disability that prevents you from returning to your previous work
  • The subjective costs of pain and suffering, mental anguish, psychological distress, and losses in your overall quality or enjoyment of life

What If I’m Partly to Blame for the Accident?

In some cases, both the pedestrian and the vehicle driver bear partial responsibility for the collision. If you were partially responsible for the accident that caused your injury or it’s not clear who was at fault, Georgia’s comparative fault rules may apply.

In Georgia, injured victims are only entitled to recover compensation if they are less than 50 percent responsible for the accident that caused their injuries. This means that if you contributed 50 percent or more of the overall fault in the accident that injured you, you could be legally barred from demanding money in an insurance claim or lawsuit. If you were less than 50 percent at fault for the accident, you may still be able to take legal action. However, your damages may be reduced by your degree of fault.

All drivers are expected to keep a proper lookout for pedestrians, so don’t let this concept stop you from pursuing the compensation you deserve because of a negligent driver’s actions.


What Should You Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Johns Creek?

Once you’ve been in a pedestrian accident, there are some measures you should take to protect your rights to compensation from calling 911 to Write Down Details of the Accident. Even though is not that complicated it’s important for you to know it, that’s why we created a step-by-step guide on What Should You Do After a Pedestrian Accident.


Contact Spaulding Injury Law for Help with Your Pedestrian Accident Case

Here at Spaulding Injury Law, we’re real lawyers helping real people. We have worked with Georgia accident victims just like you to hold negligent parties accountable. Our zealous legal representation has resulted in millions of dollars in rightful compensation for our clients.

Our skilled legal team can review your case and explain your next steps. Contact us now to discuss the details of your claim with an attentive lawyer in a free case review. Alpharetta Personal Injury Lawyers is located at 44 Milton Ave #132, Alpharetta, GA 30009, United States.

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