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In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding explains what makes Spaulding Injury Law a unique place to practice personal injury trial law in Alpharetta, Georgia. Welcome to Spaulding Injury Law’s Alpharetta, Georgia personal injury practice in our office in downtown Alpharetta off of Milton Avenue. I’m Ted Spaulding. I am the…

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding explains what is needed to prove fault in a personal injury case. He reviews what elements will best help prove your story and get you favorable results.  How to prove fault in a personal injury case. Keep watching this video to learn some of…

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding explains how damages work in a wrongful death case. He reviews how to differentiate a wrongful death claim and an estate claim, and how damages are actually defined.  What damages are available in a wrongful death case in Georgia? Keep watching this video to…

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding explains how motorcycle accident attorneys determine rates during a personal injury case. He details the two main variables and how they will affect you. What do motorcycle accident attorneys charge? Keep watching this video to find out the answer to this question. Hi, I’m…


The city of Atlanta proudly boasts the eighth busiest heavy rail rapid transit system in the United States. Thousands of people board the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) trains every day to commute to work, school, or other obligations. Though the MARTA train system is a fantastic resource for all residents…

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding details how to value pain and suffering after a car accident in Georgia. He also explains how limitations factor in. What is pain and suffering worth after a car accident? Keep watching this video to learn ways to value your pain and suffering. Hi,…

Time Limit for a Property Damage Claim

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding reviews the statute of limitations for a property damage claim in Georgia. He also reviews how long these cases typically take to resolve.  What is the time limit for a property damage claim? Hi, I’m Ted Spaulding. I’m an Atlanta personal injury trial lawyer…

Watch this video to get to know personal injury attorney Ted Spaulding, founder of Spaulding Injury Law! Hi, I’m Theodore Spaulding. I’m the founder and one of the trial lawyers here at Spaulding Injury Law. Let me tell you a little bit more about myself and my practice. I graduated…

What Is My Car Accident Claim Worth

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding details how to value a car accident claim in Georgia and the varying factors involved. He also explains how an experienced car accident lawyer can assist in your case.  What is my car accident claim worth? Keep watching this video to find out the…

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding defines UM insurance and how it works in the state of Georgia. He also explains why it is important to have.  What Is UM Insurance? Hi. I’m Ted Spaulding. I’m Atlanta personal injury trial lawyer and I’m the founder here at Spaulding Injury Law….

In this video, attorney Ted Spaulding explains he process of filing a personal injury claim in Georgia. He details how the goal is always to move the case along as quickly as possible, and what this entails. What happens in a personal injury case? Keep watching this video to find…


What Do Studies Say About The “Loud Pipes Save Lives” Motto? Being that I am a motorcycle accident attorney, I found a study that studied this phrase and whether the loudness of the pipes, exhaust pipes of the bike, lead and correlated to less motorcycle wreck events. What they found was…


As a motorcycle accident attorney, I want to explain why I think it is so vitally important that you get as much UM Insurance as possible, how it works and what’s the best UM insurance available. This goes beyond just motorcycle wreck cases, it will also apply to the other vehicles…


Last week, the Governor’s Highway Safety Association’s annual reported the numbers for motorcycle fatalities for 2017. The good news is there was a marked decrease in the number of motorcycle fatalities in comparison to 2016, with the decrease being 5.6%. Let our Alpharetta motorcycle accident law firm explain. What Do These Statistics…

motorcycle accident

In this video, I want to provide some safety tips about what to do when you’re entering a blind curve. If you end up hitting your front tire with either loose gravel, sand, leaves, grass, whatever it is, a hazard on the road, but you’re hitting it on a blind…

car accident

If a negligent driver is responsible for the wrongful death of your immediate family member, does your family have legal recourse? The answer is yes. More than 1,500 people died in traffic accidents on Georgia’s streets and highways in 2016, so the risk is genuine. A fatal auto collision will…


In Georgia, if you sustain a traumatic brain injury in any accident caused by someone else’s negligence, can you be compensated? What will it take to obtain compensation? The law in Georgia entitles victims of negligence to compensation for their accident-related medical treatment as well as compensation for lost income…

motorcycle in a field with Georgia sunset

As Georgia injury and wrongful death attorneys, we occasionally see other attorneys marketing themselves as motorcycle injury attorneys in Cumming who also ride motorcycles. You may have seen them too. A picture of the lawyer in a suit sitting on his or her beautiful motorcycle with the caption reading “Injured While Riding?…

drivers arguing after crash

In Georgia, the law requires everyone who owns and operates a motor vehicle to have at least a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage. As a Lawrenceville car accident attorney, I can tell you that this liability insurance coverage is required so that in the event you cause an accident which…


When a drunk driver takes the wheel, a landlord fails to keep a property maintained, or a doctor fails to diagnose a disease, wrongful death can happen. How is “wrongful” death defined? In Georgia, if you die accidentally because someone was negligent, will your family have legal options? Will they…

dog with mouth open

The American Humane Society reports that more than four million people in the U.S. become dog bite victims every year. Over 800,000 of those victims visit U.S. emergency rooms each year. Many dog bites cause severe damage, and a few are even fatal. Could you be at risk? What about…


In Georgia, if you’re injured by a person who was negligent, you are entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, your lost wages, and all other accident-related damages. But obtaining compensation isn’t as easy as it sounds. Think about it. When someone is injured, it’s almost always because someone was…