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Suwanee County GA

Being injured is a costly experience that can impact your day-to-day life during recovery and possibly leave you with long-lasting injuries for the rest of your life. Understanding what the implications of an injury are can be difficult to understand, and the many types of damages that could be available to you are not always readily apparent.

If you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to not only repair costs or medical bills, but also to damages for lost wages, lost earning ability, pain and suffering, or mental trauma. A Suwanee personal injury lawyer can advise people of their rights following an injury, and if you’ve experienced one, do not wait to reach out to Spaulding Injury Law today.

Common Personal Injury  Cases

There are many different ways that personal injuries can happen, and each resulting legal claim will be different with its own unique circumstances. Our Suwanee personal injury lawyers handle many types of cases, and we help clients after the following and more:

Accidents can have Far-Reaching and Costly Implications for Your Life

The experience of being in an accident can be extremely stressful and traumatic. If you have been injured in a car accident or any other type of incident, it is important that you allow any emergency personnel that might be present on the scene to assess your health to determine if you have any immediate injuries that require urgent care. If no urgent issues are identified, it is still suggested that you seek out medical services after the accident to determine if there might be injuries that were overlooked.

Contacting an attorney who has worked with car accident cases is also recommended so that you can be advised on whether you might have a case, and if so, the extent of your damages and prospective compensation. The sooner you can get help from a personal injury lawyer, the sooner we can begin gathering evidence and protecting your legal rights.

Insurance Companies are Not on Your Side

When you’ve been in an accident and another party was at fault, keep in mind that even if an insurance adjuster seems helpful does not mean they are on your side. In fact, it is just the opposite, as insurance companies profit in part by minimizing claim payouts through low settlement offers that they hope are quickly accepted. It is important to control the narrative and have a legal advocate who can recognize the common tricks and tactics of the insurance company and fight back.

You should never:

  • Accept a settlement offer without first consulting with an attorney
  • Accept a quick offer simply to get a check in your pocket faster
  • Assume a denial is a final decision
  • Admit any degree of fault to the adjuster or discuss what happened in detail without a lawyer

Any of the above might mean that you end up with far less compensation than you deserve.

Most Cases are Settled Outside of Court

An attorney is particularly valuable in personal injury cases because most cases are not determined by a judge or jury but instead, settle outside of court. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, only three percent of all tort cases make it to a trial, and of them, just two percent reach a jury, with the judge deciding the other one percent. This means that your case has a high chance of being completed outside of court, whether directly with the insurance company or in settlement negotiations during the lawsuit process.

When you are settling your personal injury case with insurance companies, their primary concern is covering only your immediate damages as quickly as possible while achieving a waiver of any further liability. The rush to settle might make you feel like your case is being addressed with importance, and you might be happy to be paid and get over the situation. However, settling too soon can mean ignoring long-term medical issues stemming from the accident, and if you accept an immediate settlement, you may lose the ability to recover for long-term damages. Always have the help of a Suwanee personal injury attorney during settlement talks.

Personal Injury Cases are Complex and an Attorney can Help

Going through an accident that results in injury is difficult, and you do not have to be alone in your efforts to be made whole. An attorney helps you determine the extent of your damages and negotiates a fair settlement with the insurance companies on your behalf.

If you’ve suffered a personal injury, whether you can recover depends on whether another party is at fault for some reason, whether through negligence, recklessness, or some form of strict liability in which engaging in certain dangerous activities makes a party liable for any damages that result.

The damages that might be available to you will generally include:

  • Medical bills
  • The costs of future care you will need
  • Past and future lost income if your injury keeps you from working
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental trauma
  • Permanent effects of injuries, like disability or disfigurement

The at-fault party, or often their insurance company, is generally responsible for the damages associated with the accident or action that caused injury, and if the individual at fault is an employee, sometimes the company they work for may also be liable for the damages that you have experienced.

We can identify all liable parties and pursue the full damages you deserve.

Speak with a Suwanee Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you’ve suffered an injury and believe that someone else was to blame, you should not try to handle the situation alone. You should focus on your physical treatment and recovery, while a Suwanee personal injury lawyer from Spaulding Injury Law handles the legal process.

We know this is a stressful time, so we are here to handle every step of the process for you. Please do not wait to contact us for your free case evaluation.