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Sandy Springs Personal Injury

Millions of people require emergency medical care each year across the U.S. for accidental injuries. These injuries can happen in many different ways, and they can change your life in an instant. While it is your top priority to get the treatment you need, it is also important to consider your legal rights once your physical condition is stable.

At Spaulding Injury Law, our Sandy Springs personal injury lawyers evaluate the options of injured accident victims, and we take necessary action for their full financial recovery. If you think that someone else was responsible for causing your injuries, do not wait to contact us for more information and a no-cost case evaluation today.

Vehicle Accidents

We handle many types of injury claims stemming from many types of accidents, many of which involve traffic and related vehicles. According to the Georgia Department of Health, motor vehicle accidents were the second-leading cause of ER visits and hospitalizations for injuries in the state, as well as the leading cause of injury-related fatalities.

Some vehicle-related cases we handle arise from:


Any time you drive or ride in a car, you are at risk of a crash and injuries. Whether you are on a road trip through town or simply on your morning commute, you can have your life suddenly disrupted by a car accident. Crash-related claims can become complicated, and our team takes on:

After a crash, get the medical help you need, and then contact our office for legal assistance.


If you ride a motorcycle, you know you are at a greater risk of injuries than others on the road. Almost your entire body is exposed to the impact of a crash, and even with a helmet, you can still suffer serious head trauma. Motorcycle accidents commonly happen due to the negligence of other drivers, and those drivers should be liable for all of your injuries and losses.


Commercial trucks are essential to our economy, but they also present the risk of devastating accidents. Because semi-trucks and other trantor-trailers are so much larger and heavier than other vehicles, motorists hit by trucks can suffer catastrophic injuries and damage. Truck accident claims can be highly technical and complex with multiple liable parties, so you want an experienced attorney on your side.


Many people walk around Sandy Springs – whether it is for exercise, transportation, or simply heading from the parking lot into a store. Any time you walk near traffic, you might get hit by a car and suffer serious injuries. Even slow-moving vehicles can cause life-changing injuries in a pedestrian accident, and injured victims should seek the compensation they deserve from negligent drivers.


About 1.7 million people in the Atlanta metropolitan area use the MARTA public transportation system on a regular basis, and this is a convenient way to get around the city and surrounding localities, like Sandy Springs. While public transportation – including buses and trains – is considered to be a relatively safe way to travel, there are still accidents that happen, and riders or other motorists can suffer injuries. If you were injuried in a MARTA accident, you might have to bring a claim against the government, which will have its own deadlines and procedures.


Not all vehicle accidents happen on the road, as many people take their boats out on one of the many beautiful lakes in the Atlanta area or across Georgia. Boating is a fun activity, whether you are fishing, participating in water sports, or just relaxing with friends and family. Unfortunately, a boating accident can disrupt your good time – and your life in general. Boating crashes can happen due to negligent boat operation, but other parties might also be to blame. Victims should have an experienced lawyer assessing their rights.

Other Personal Injury Claims

Not every accident involves motor vehicles, as injuries can happen when you are at a business, on someone else’s property, or simply using your household products at your own home. Our firm also handles claims involving:


If you are a customer or visitor on another party’s premises, you should be able to expect that the property will be in a safe condition and free from dangerous hazards. Too often, however, a hazard will cause someone to slip and fall, which can result in surprisingly serious injuries, including brain injuries or back injuries.


Many households in Sandy Springs have dogs, and not every dog owner acts reasonably when it comes to controlling their dog. Unlike most states, Georgia does not hold dog owners automatically liable for the harm their animals cause. Instead, dog bite victims have to prove the dog owner was negligent or knew the dog was vicious in order to recover.


When you purchase or use an item, chances are you expect it to be safe. Companies have the duty to produce and sell safe products for consumers, as well as to provide proper warnings regarding any known risks of a product. Household items, vehicles, infant and toddler products, toys, recreational equipment, pharmaceuticals, and more can all be defective. Defects can lead to malfunctions or dangerous effects of using the product, and companies should be held liable for the injuries that result through product liability claims.

Learn How Our Sandy Springs Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

When you reach out to the team at Spaulding Injury Law, you can trust that we will be honest with you about your options. We review what happened and can conduct an investigation if needed to gather evidence of liability for your injuries. Once we identify parties that should be liable for your losses, we file claims for compensation. Common losses we seek include:

  1. Medical bills
  2. Lost income
  3. Pain and suffering
  4. Permanent disabilities or disfigurement

If you have losses from an accident due to negligence, we take legal action to prove that you deserve full compensation. Contact us to discuss a possible case with our Sandy Springs personal injury attorneys.