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Edgewood Personal Injury Attorneys

A Campbellton Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

Attorneys near your location is the best option. They will be familiar with the common accident risks and causes in Atlanta, which can make it easier for them to identify liability for your injuries and losses.

Our firm is conveniently located near you. We have an office in Atlanta at 50 Hurt Plaza S.E., #1536, Atlanta GA 30303.

Personal injury claims focus on the physical, financial, and emotional losses the victims of other people’s negligence incur. These losses can be significant, and just compensation is often critical to recovery. If this is the kind of difficult situation you find yourself in, do not wait to consult with an experienced Edgewood personal injury attorney.

Edgewood Personal Injury Lawyers

Spaulding Injury Law is ready to consult with you and evaluate whether you have a valid claim. Reach out today at no cost and with no obligation to pursue a case. 

Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury law is a broad area of the law that includes claims like the following:

  • Traffic accidents of every kind, including car, truck, motorcycle, and pedestrian accidents
  • Rideshare accidents, including both Uber and Lyft
  • Marta Accidents
  • Boat accidents 
  • Slip and fall accidents, dog bites, and other premises liability claims
  • Wrongful death claims, which apply when the victim dies as a result of the injuries they sustain and are very similar to personal injury claims

If you are injured by someone else’s negligence, the compensation to which you are entitled can significantly bolster your ability to recover. 

Identifying the Elements of Your Personal Injury Claim

In order to recover for your losses after being injured by someone else’s negligence, you will need to clearly demonstrate that each of the following elements is present:

  • The other party owed you a duty of care – or had a responsibility to your safety.
  • The other party breached this duty of care – or engaged in some kind of negligence that jeopardized your safety.
  • The other party’s negligence was the direct cause of the accident in question. 
  • You suffered damages – or losses – that are addressed by the law as a result.

For example, if you were rear-ended at a stop sign by a motorist who was speeding excessively and, as a result, was unable to come to a safe stop, their negligence is responsible for the accident in question. As such, you can seek damages for the physical, financial, and emotional losses you experience. Other forms of negligence that are closely associated with car accidents include:

  • Failure to obey the rules of the road
  • Impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Distraction
  • Aggression

Motorists owe a considerable duty of care to everyone on the road.

Losses Addressed by the Law

The law allows those harmed by the negligence of others to seek compensation for a range of losses, including:

  • Property damage, such as to your vehicle and its contents in a car accident
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost earnings on the job
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering

Bringing Your Strongest Claim

You’ll likely file your personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider, which will do what it can to keep your settlement as low as possible. While the company is paid to fairly compensate you for your covered losses, its focus on increased profits will play a critical role. As such, it’s essential that you bring your strongest claim. 

Your Statement

The insurance company will attempt to elicit a statement about the accident from you, but their motivation is more than simply establishing the facts. Insurance reps are well versed at culling damaging statements from claimants that the claimants themselves don’t realize harm their claims. You are under no obligation to provide the insurance company with a statement, and communication with them is best left in the capable hands of your dedicated personal injury attorney. 

Social Media

Anything you post on social media is fair game when it comes to the insurance company that is handling your claim, and you can trust them to misconstrue the meanings therein into something claim-damaging. The best policy is to take a break from social media until your case has settled – or you’ve received a court award. 

Your Medical Care

Even if you don’t think you were seriously injured by the accident in question, it is always in your best interest to seek medical attention as soon afterward as possible. The fact is that the shock of the accident and the attendant adrenaline surge can mask serious symptoms, and some injuries are slow to become symptomatic, to begin with. 

Early diagnosis is so closely associated with improved outcomes that getting checked out by a medical professional after an accident of any magnitude is always well-advised. Finally, carefully following your medical team’s instructions and advice not only demonstrates a commitment to your recovery but also sends a strong message to the insurance company that your physical injuries are as serious as you claim. 

Your Personal Injury Attorney 

One of the most important steps you can take in the protection of your rights and the outcome of your claim is working closely with a trusted personal injury attorney from early on in the process. Your Attorney will ably handle all the following critical aspects of your claim:

  • Gathering all the available evidence, including eyewitness testimony and any photos and videos taken at the scene
  • Communicating with the insurance company on your behalf
  • Hiring expert witnesses and having accident models created that bolster your position
  • Carefully documenting the full extent of your physical, financial, and emotional losses
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for a settlement that fairly addresses the complete scope of your losses
  • Preparing to take your case to court in the event the insurance company engages in unfair practices
  • Helping you better understand the personal injury claims process and helping to make the right decisions for you throughout

Turn to an Experienced Edgewood Personal Injury Attorney for Skilled Legal Guidance

If someone else’s negligence causes you or someone you care about to be injured in an accident, the accomplished Edgewood personal injury attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law have the experience, focus, and legal skill to help guide your claim toward an advantageous outcome that supports your rights and recovery. We are on your side and here to help, so please do not put off reaching out and contacting or calling us at 770-744-0890 for more information about what we can do for you today.