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East Point Personal Injury

Personal injury law exists to ensure that people do not have to pay for injuries that were someone else’s fault. If another party caused your accident and injuries, the law holds that party or parties responsible for covering your medical bills, lost income, and other losses. However, do not expect to receive this compensation or coverage automatically, as injured individuals must take action to seek the financial recovery they deserve.

After an injury, you already have concerns about your physical condition and financial situation, so the last thing you need is to add stress from trying to navigate the legal process. In addition, people who do not have the right legal representation during this process often end up with much less compensation than they deserve.

Do not risk your future financial situation following an accidental injury. Instead, reach out to trusted East Point personal injury lawyers at Spaulding Injury Law. We stand up for the rights of injury victims and allow our clients to focus on their physical recovery. Contact us for more information about our services.

Personal Injury Claims that We Handle

Each injury victim is unique, and so are the circumstances that lead to their injuries. A claim stemming from a fender-bender car accident will have different legal questions and challenges than a multiple-vehicle pileup involving large commercial trucks. You want an attorney handling your case with experience taking on cases similar to yours.

At Spaulding Injury Law, we handle a wide range of cases to best help our clients in the East Point area. Some examples of cases we accept include:

  • Car accidents – East Point is right at the apex of three major interstates, which makes it a particularly dangerous place to drive due to the risk of car accidents. The proximity to the airport also means that many unfamiliar tourists might be traveling through the area at any given time. Drunk drivers, distracted drivers, dangerous Uber or Lyft drivers, and others regularly cause crashes that injure other motorists.
  • Truck accidents – Vehicle crashes become even riskier when one vehicle involved is a large commercial truck.
    These trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, which means they can cause severe damage to vehicles that weigh around 3,000 pounds. Truck accidents not only cause devastating injuries but can lead to a more complicated legal process.
  • Motorcycle accidents – Motorcyclists are especially prone to catastrophic injuries in a crash. Even with a safety helmet and other gear, a motorcyclist will often sustain multiple injuries from a single crash. When a driver hits a motorcyclist, it can lead to a lifetime of losses, and the motorcyclists should recover financially for both past and future losses.
  • Pedestrian accidents – Pedestrians often walk around East Point with little concern about getting hit by cars. However, negligent drivers, who are often distracted, can make mistakes and collide with pedestrians, even if a pedestrian was rightfully in a crosswalk. Pedestrian injuries are often catastrophic, so having the right attorney is essential.
  • MARTA accidents – East Point is the second MARTA stop from the airport, and many people in the area utilize the trains and buses to get around. This is also a fairly safe way to travel – that is, until you are involved in a MARTA accident. The legal process following a MARTA-related injury is especially complex since you will be seeking compensation from the government.
  • Boating accidents – When you take a boat out on one of Georgia’s many lakes, you might expect to have a fun time – not end up in the emergency room. However, boat accidents do happen in the state on a regular basis, and these crashes can result in serious or even fatal injuries.
  • Slip and falls – Whether you are visiting a friend’s apartment complex, at the grocery store, staying in a hotel, or shopping at a mall, you do not think that you might suddenly slip and fall and get injured. However, business and property owners often neglect their premises, leading to hazards that cause slip and fall accidents and injuries.
  • Dog bites – While dogs are often cherished members of families in East Point, these animals can still be unpredictable. If someone else’s dog bites you, it can be more complicated to hold them liable in Georgia than in most other states. It is more important than ever to have assistance from an experienced injury lawyer.
  • Defective products – We use hundreds (if not more) of products each and every day, from the car we drive to furniture to electronics, and many more. These products should be safe for our use, but defective products can malfunction or have serious risks that result in injuries. Manufacturers should be liable for any harm resulting from their products.

No matter what type of accident led to your injuries, you should learn whether you have the right to take legal action.

How Our East Point Personal Injury Attorneys Help

There are many steps to the personal injury process, and our legal team assists our clients every step of the way. We can:

  1. Evaluate whether you are eligible to file a claim
  2. Determine all liable parties in your case, which can include individuals, corporations, or even government entities
  3. Calculate the value of your past and future losses, including medical costs, pain and suffering, lost earnings, and more
  4. File insurance claims against all liable parties and provide evidence to support your claim
  5. Review settlement offers from insurers and negotiate higher amounts when needed
  6. File a personal injury lawsuit in civil court if necessary to obtain the full compensation you deserve
  7. Handle the entire litigation process, including settlement negotiations throughout the case
  8. Represent you at a jury trial if your case demands one

The Right East Point Personal Injury Lawyers for Your Claim

With the help of our team at Spaulding Injury Law, you can exercise your rights to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. We provide free case evaluations and do not charge any fees unless we win your case. Contact us to learn more about how we might help today.