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Chastain Park Personal Injury Attorneys

A Campbellton Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

Attorneys near your location is the best option. They will be familiar with the common accident risks and causes in Atlanta, which can make it easier for them to identify liability for your injuries and losses.

Our firm is conveniently located near you. We have an office in Atlanta at 50 Hurt Plaza S.E., #1536, Atlanta GA 30303.

If you are injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled can play a primary role in your recovery. The physical, financial, and emotional losses you suffer can be difficult to overcome without the necessary resources, and working closely with a Chastain Park personal injury attorney is in your best interest. 

Reach out to Spaulding Injury Law for a free case evaluation today. Our team can inform you of your legal options.

Common Personal Injury Claims

Your personal injury claim can be predicated on many different kinds of accidents, including the following:

  • Traffic accidents, including car, truck, motorcycle, rideshare, and pedestrian accidents
  • MARTA accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents and other forms of premises liability claims 

Additionally, wrongful death claims in which the victim succumbs to the injuries they suffer as a result of someone else’s negligence are very similar to personal injury claims. 

Understanding the Elements of Your Claim

In order to bring a successful personal injury claim, there are several basic elements that must be met. 

You Were Owed a Duty of Care

The at-fault party in your claim must have owed you a duty of care, which means they had a responsibility for your safety. A prime example of this duty of care is the responsibility motorists accept when they take to the road. When we drive, we take on a profound responsibility for the safe passage of everyone with whom we share the road. 

That Duty of Care Was Breached

The second element of your personal injury claim is that the at-fault party must have breached the duty of care owed to you, which means they failed to uphold this responsibility. This is where the element of negligence comes in, and when it comes to traffic accidents, this negligence can take any of the following forms:

  • Distraction
  • Impairment
  • Excess speed
  • Aggression 
  • Exhaustion
  • Failure to follow the rules of the road 

You Were Injured as a Result of that Breach

The other party’s negligence must have been the direct cause of the accident that left you injured. Negligence in and of itself is not enough – the negligence in question must be responsible for the injury-causing accident.

You Suffered Losses that Are Recognized by the Law

In order to bring a successful personal injury claim, you must have suffered legal damages, which refer to those losses the law allows you to recover on. 

Your Legal Damages

The law recognizes a wide range of losses for which victims of negligence-based accidents can seek compensation.

Property Damage

Property damage generally applies to traffic accidents and includes damage to your vehicle and its contents. 

Medical Bills

The medical bills you face as a result of being injured by someone else’s negligence can mount very quickly, and your healthcare needs may be ongoing. If you suffer complications or develop secondary healthcare concerns, the matter is that much more challenging.

Lost Income

Suffering an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence can leave you off the job and facing serious financial losses as a result. If your ability to do your job or to continue advancing your career is affected, you can expect the losses to be that much more considerable. 

Pain and Suffering

In addition to the financial losses you experience, there is also physical and psychological pain and suffering to factor in. These emotional consequences can hamper your recovery and amplify your overall losses.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

You will very likely file your personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider, such as their car insurance provider, in a claim involving a traffic accident. It is important to note, however, that the insurance company is driven by profits, which means it will attempt to keep your settlement as low as possible. Some of the mechanisms for doing so at its disposal include:

  • Claim denials that prompt claimants to simply give up
  • Early settlement offers that aren’t adequate to meeting claimants’ losses but that they may be desperate enough to accept 
  • Denying policyholders’ fault in the matters 
  • Denying the extent of claimants’ losses

You can count on the insurance company that is handling your claim to be good at keeping settlements low, which makes having a seasoned personal injury attorney on your side the best path forward.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

The insurance company will want you to make a statement about the accident in question, and while this may seem reasonable enough, they will be focused on obtaining comments from you that go on to damage your claim. In fact, the insurance company will be looking for any reason to deny or diminish your claim, which may include them monitoring your social media accounts. 

Your trusted personal injury attorney will communicate with the insurance company on your behalf and help you make the right decisions for you as you move forward in the claims process – in addition to all the following:

  • Gathering all the relevant evidence, including eyewitness testimony
  • Building your strongest claim
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for fair compensation
  • Hiring expert witnesses and having accident recreation models crafted – in support of your claim
  • Being well prepared to take your case to trial if the insurance company refuses to engage in fair negotiations

A dedicated personal injury attorney can help. 

Turn to an Experienced Chastain Park Personal Injury Attorney for the Help You’re Looking For

The Chastain Park personal injury attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law understand how difficult your situation is and, as a result, dedicate their imposing practice to helping claimants like you recover for their complete losses. Our focused legal team has a vast range of experience and legal insight that they are well prepared to unleash in pursuit of your claim’s best possible resolution, and we are on your side. To learn more about what we can do to help you, please do not wait to reach out and contact us online or call us at 770-744-0890 today.