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IndyCar Accident: Learn About the Severe Risks of Head Injuries

IndyCar Accident: Learn About the Severe Risks of Head Injuries

Our Cumming truck accident law firm recently learned that on Sunday, August 23rd, 37-year-old IndyCar racer Justin Wilson took his spot to start a 200-lap race at the Pocono Raceway. On the 179th lap, the leading driver spun out, causing large pieces of metal debris to come flying off of his vehicle. One of those pieces headed straight toward Wilson’s car and struck Wilson in the head at a high speed. IndyCar drivers are particularly vulnerable to flying debris since the top of their vehicles is open with only a helmet to protect them in the event of a crash or a flying object. Wilson was transported via medical helicopter and was reported to be in a coma on Sunday. On Monday, media that he had succumbed to his injuries and passed away.

Any Type of Head Injury Can Be Severe

The above accident was deemed to be just that—an accident—and the driver whose car fell apart was not considered to be directly responsible for Wilson’s fatal injuries. However, the incident goes to show just how vulnerable human beings can be if they are struck in the head. Even seemingly minor head injuries can result in uncontrollable bleeding or swelling, skull fractures1, and chipping, or in serious damage to the brain. It is imperative to seek medical attention for any type of blow to the head due to the risks of complications, loss of consciousness, and death.

Head injuries can occur in many different ways and are often the result of the negligence of another party. Some common causes of head trauma include:

If you or a family member have suffered any type of head injury at the fault of another party, you may be facing substantial financial losses, as well as pain and suffering, possible permanent disability, and more.

Contact a Cumming, Georgia personal injury lawyer for a free consultation

If you have sustained a head injury, you should immediately seek necessary medical attention. Your next step should be to discuss your situation with an experienced personal injury attorney at the law office of Spaulding Injury Law in Cumming, Georgia. Call today at 770-744-0890 for a free case evaluation.

  1. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000060.htm