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Car Accident Victim Recovers Significantly More Compensation than “Final” Offer

When accident victims try to recover from insurance companies, they often find the insurance company is unwilling to offer fair compensation. It might even say that an offer is “final” and refuse to pay more. This was the case in a recent claim we handled, but Spaulding Injury Law was able to help a client recover more compensation when we refused to settle our client’s case for less than they deserved.

About the Accident

The accident occurred on Nov. 24, 2018 when the vehicle our client was a passenger in took an exit ramp curve too fast, lost control, left the roadway, and landed upside down in a ravine. The wreck occurred on the on-ramp from Memorial Drive to Highway 78 westbound in unincorporated Tucker in DeKalb County.

The driver and our client were transported to a local hospital. Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury and a deep laceration to their forehead that left a permanent and prominent scar they will have to live with for the rest of their life.

Our client didn’t have any health insurance and incurred about $50,000 in medical bills for emergency treatment alone due to the traumatic nature of their injuries and the full work-up required.

Insurance Negotiations

Like is so often the case, the insurance company didn’t offer fair compensation to our client. The insurance company offered to pay all of our client’s medical bills and $57,000 for pain and suffering, but our attorneys knew our client’s case was worth more.

We gave the insurance company plenty of opportunities to do the right thing, but it repeatedly refused to pay more. Their representatives said this was their “final” offer, so we sued.

Results with Spaulding Injury Law

Our attorneys went to work right away on the case, connecting our client with doctors who could provide proper follow-up care even without our client having health insurance.

Pre-lawsuit negotiations began after our client completed medical treatment. Because the insurance company failed to agree to pay fair compensation, our attorneys filed a lawsuit and kept fighting. For months during litigation, our attorneys continued to fight and ultimately secured an additional $75,000 in compensation for our client.

Even after paying all other legal and case expenses, our client walked away with more money from their settlement than the total amount the insurance company had originally offered and insisted was the most they were going to pay for pain and suffering damages. All of our client’s medical bills were also paid. This was a huge win for our client and provided peace of mind as they move forward in their life.

As you can see from this example, the attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law know what our injured clients’ cases are really worth. We will continue to fight for them to recover full compensation.

If you or a loved one was injured in a motor vehicle accident, the car accident attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law can help you, too. Contact us online for your free case review and to learn more about how we can help.

We are real lawyers, helping real people.