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Legal Options After A Car Accident Caused by Poor Road Maintenance

Legal Options After A Car Accident Caused by Poor Road Maintenance

Of the millions of car accidents that occur in the United States each year, the vast majority are caused by driver error. A significant number, however, are the direct result of hazards or other conditions caused by poor road maintenance. Like all car accidents, those caused by negligent road maintenance are capable of causing serious bodily harm which in turn can lead to significant economic and non-economic losses. Fortunately, victims of car accidents that are caused by negligence may be able to recover for their losses through a Georgia personal injury lawsuit. Hiring a car accident lawyer is the best way to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve after a car accident, and our car accident attorneys will consult with you regarding your claim at no cost to you.

Because roads are generally maintained by the state or local governments, claims based accidents caused by poor road maintenance are subject to a special set of rules that apply in cases where a person is suing the government. Under the doctrine of sovereign immunity, the government is only liable in lawsuits to the extent to which it has consented. Fortunately for people injured on Atlanta roadways, the Georgia Tort Claims Act has authorized lawsuits against the government, albeit with certain limitations. For example, damages for claims arising from a single occurrence are limited to $1 million and no plaintiff can be awarded punitive damages. A car accident attorney can help you file a claim against the government.

There are many ways that poor road maintenance can result in dangerous hazards that can cause accidents. Some of the most common include:

  • Potholes
  • Overgrown foliage
  • Lack of signage
  • Inadequate drainage
  • Debris in road

These are just a few examples of the ways in which negligent road can result in hazardous road conditions. Sometimes, signs of negligent road maintenance may not always be apparent after an accident occurs, so it is important for victims to make sure they discuss their case with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Contact an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Today to Schedule a Free Consultation

People injured in car accidents may be entitled to significant compensation for their medical expenses, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and other losses. Contact the car accident attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law at (770) 744-0890.