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How A Serious Back Injury Can Impact Your Life

How A Serious Back Injury Can Impact Your Life

Parts of your back are involved in almost every movement that most people make. For this reason, back injuries can cause significant and continuous pain and can also substantially limit your movements and abilities. To make matters worse, the discomfort and pain caused by a back injury can often be chronic and long-lasting and may require extensive medical attention.

If you have suffered a painful back injury in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence1, you deserve to receive just compensation for all of your losses and suffering. At the law office of Spaulding Injury Law in Atlanta, our experienced personal injury attorneys are committed to helping injured victims receive the maximum possible settlement or award. Call us for a free consultation at (770) 744-0890 today.

What Constitutes a Back Injury?

The medical profession defines a back injury as damage to any of the following:

  • Spinal cord vertebrae
  • Spinal cord discs or the tissue cushioning the vertebrae
  • Ligaments, tendons, muscles, or other soft tissue

All of these different types of back injuries may prevent a victim from working, participating in fitness activities, completing ordinary household activities, and more. Generally, back injury victims cannot do much more than simply lie down and attempt to remain still without causing severe pain. This generally means that back injury sufferers lose out on a substantial amount of income and enjoyment of life.

Furthermore, chronic back injuries can require a large amount of medical treatment, including physical therapy, prescription medications, and possibly corrective surgery. Not only is medical treatment time-consuming, stressful, and even painful, but each medical procedure or appointment can be extremely costly. This means that in addition to losing income from work, back injury victims often face overwhelming medical bills.

Who Can Be Held Responsible?

Common examples of incidents that cause back injuries include:

If a back injury is caused in an accident due to another party’s negligence, the victims should be able to recover for their losses from the responsible party and should contactpersonal injury lawyer for help today.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negligence