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The Most Common Types of Truck Accidents

According to the American Trucking Association, 3.91 million semi-trucks were in operation in 2019. Over 300 billion miles were traveled by all registered trucks in 2018. There will be accidents with that many trucks on the roads driving that many miles. The types of accidents that involve trucks are different than typical passenger vehicle accidents. Large trucks like 18 wheelers or commercial box trucks maneuver differently due to weight distribution. It’s important that your claim is in the hands of an experienced truck accident lawyer. Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation so we can discuss your legal options.

What Are The Most Common Types of Truck Accidents?

There are 4 common road traffic collision types that typically involve trucks.

Head-on collision

Head-on collisions, sideswipes, and run-off-road crashes all belong to a category of crashes called lane-departure or road-departure crashes. While less common than other collisions, head-on crashes are the most severe. When a truck collides head-on with a car, the truck driver will often walk away with no injuries while the occupants in the car will suffer severe injuries.

Run-off-road collision

Run-off-road collisions only involve a single vehicle when it leaves the roadway and strikes a fixed object. Often times this happens when a driver turns their car to avoid a head-on collision with a semi-truck. If the truck driver was reckless or negligent while driving it’s possible to still hold them responsible for any personal injury claims.

Rear-end collision

Common factors contributing to rear-end collisions include driver inattention or distraction, tailgating, panic stops, and reduced traction. Rear-end collisions account for over 25% of all vehicle accidents but only 6% of crashes are fatal. When a semi-truck crashes into a smaller passenger car it will often lead to severe injuries for the occupants in the car.

Side collision

When a vehicle collides with another and one side is impacted this is referred to as a side collision. Similar accident types are often referred to as Broadside or T-bone collision. No matter how you refer to the accident, these types of collisions count for a total of at least 22% of fatalities. Even with added safety features, it’s hard for passengers not to sustain serious injuries when they are hit by an 18-wheeler.

What if I Was In a Truck Accident?

It’s important to try to stay as calm as possible following an accident. While it can be hard to know what to do next, doing the following will help if you decide to file a claim.

  • Check on all passengers and drivers and make sure they are safe. Do not try to move anybody if they are injured.
  • Get information from everyone involved in the accident including the names, driver’s license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, insurance information (including the policy number and the insurance carrier’s name) and any other details that you see.
  • Collect all witness information including their names and phone numbers.
  • Take photographs of the truck accident scene if possible. This evidence can be crucial if the facts of the truck accident are disputed.
  • Seek medical care immediately following the truck accident. Even if you do not feel like you are injured you should seek medical care. Many injuries may not be noticeable until days after the wreck.
  • Answer all questions from the police. You should not admit guilt, but it is important to accurately and honestly answer any questions.
  • Get a copy of the police report and note any discrepancies.
  • Collect information from the police officer, including their name and their badge number.
  • Contact your insurance company and notify them of the wreck.
  • Contact an attorney before you talk to any other insurance companies. An experienced personal injury lawyer can answer questions from other insurance companies and will be able to protect your rights.

Contact An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We will discuss your case and explore what compensation you may be entitled to for your damages. Before you contact us learn about what mistakes to avoid when in an auto accident.