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How Soon Should I Contact A Personal Injury Attorney After A Car Accident?

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Following a car accident in Atlanta, your priorities are likely your physical health and solving any transportation issues if your vehicle is not driveable. It is understandable that you do not want to immediately deal with a car accident law firm and add a personal injury claim to your plate. However, it can be harmful to your situation or to a subsequent case if you delay in consulting with a car accident lawyer regarding your legal rights and options. Here’s why:

How An Auto Accident Lawyer in Atlanta Can Help With the Injury Claim Process

Many victims wonder if they should hire a lawyer for a car accident that wasn’t their fault. The answer to this question is yes. If your accident occurred because of the negligence of another party and fault is not contested, their insurance company will be contacting you soon after the accident. It is important to not give too much information regarding your version of events or a recorded statement to the insurance company before you have consulted with an experienced attorney.

Our personal injury lawyers know that insurance companies will use whatever you say to try to limit a settlement offer or avoid liability whenever possible. Instead, our attorneys can communicate with the insurer on your behalf to make sure that fault is not questioned. Additionally, insurance settlement offers are usually much lower than you deserve. If you accept an offer without first discussing your case with a qualified car collision lawyer, you may miss out on a significant amount of compensation. Therefore, even though it is possible to settle a car accident claim without a lawyer, it is not recommended.

When to Get An Attorney After A Car Accident in Atlanta

It is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible after a crash because of the state’s statute of limitations. Georgia law1 only allows you two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. While two years may seem like plenty of time, putting off meeting with a car crash attorney can harm your chances at recovery. Filing a lawsuit requires an extensive amount of investigation into the circumstances of your accident so that your attorney can draft a persuasive claim. If you wait too long, you may jeopardize your case or miss the statute of limitations completely, which bars recovery in your case.

Contact Spaulding Injury Law to Schedule A Free Consultation

Anyone who has sustained injuries in a car accident in Atlanta should contact an auto accident attorney in Cumming, Georgia as soon as possible. Call the law office of Spaulding Injury Law at 770-744-0890 for a free consultation with a car wreck attorney today.

  1. https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-9/chapter-3/e/9-3-33