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Cumming Motorcycle Accidents

Cumming Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

  • Attorney Theodore Spaulding was honored to be included on a list of the best personal injury attorneys in the state.
  • Our award-winning law firm provided personalized and skilled representation, and we have been nationally recognized by professional legal associations and our fellow attorneys.
  • Feel free to read honest reviews written by former clients about what it’s like to work with a top lawyer at Spaulding Injury Law.
  • Our aggressive and passionate lawyers fight diligently for injury victims and have helped us become one of the best law firms in Cumming.

For motorcyclists, jumping on a bike and hitting the road is about more than just getting from Point A to Point B. Many motorcyclists are passionate about riding their bikes, but unfortunately, it can be a dangerous hobby.

Thousands of people are injured in motorcycle accidents in the U.S. every year. Fortunately, there are legal options available to those who have been injured because of another person’s negligence.

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Where to Begin After A Motorcycle Accident in Atlanta

If you have been in a motorcycle accident in Atlanta and another driver was to blame, the process begins with the filing of your insurance claim or claims. This can be a surprisingly challenging process. The at-fault driver’s insurance company should be liable for the damages you have experienced, but insurance companies do not work for you – they are in business for profit. The more claims that insurance companies deny, and the less they pay on the claims that are approved, the more profit insurance companies make.

Without an attorney by your side to help you collect your full damages after your Atlanta motorcycle accident, you are at a disadvantage against the insurance company and their full-time teams of investigators and claim specialists working around the clock to deny and reduce your payments. This is why your first step would always be to call a motorcycle accident lawyer to handle your claim.

How A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help?

Motorcycle accident victims should seek legal representation from an experienced attorney as soon as possible following the crash. If you have been injured, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Schedule a consultation with the motorcycle accident attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law by calling (470) 695-9950 or filling out the online contact form on our website.

Getting injured in a motorcycle accident can disrupt your entire life. The injuries that you sustain may continue to affect you and your family for years after the accident. If you have been injured and a negligent person is to blame, contact a personal injury lawyer at Spaulding Injury Law to discuss your legal options.

Our attorneys have over 25 years of combined experience. Some of Spaulding Injury Law’s many practice areas include motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, car accidents, and wrongful death. We handle personal injury claims in Cumming, Atlanta, Lawrenceville, and Alpharetta.

Knowing Your Rights After a Motorcycle Accident

The Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys at Spaulding Injury Law are here to answer any questions you might have about your legal rights and recovery for the costs associated with your motorcycle accident. More often than not, the cause of your motorcycle accident was another driver, as no matter how attentive and responsible motorcyclists might be, there will always be drivers who are not paying attention or driving irresponsibly.

Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Some common causes of motorcycle accidents that might lead to an injury claim include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failure to yield
  • Impaired driving
  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Improper lane changes

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and another driver was at fault, you are entitled to damages from their insurance company. Your Atlanta motorcycle attorney can help ensure that you collect the fullest possible compensation for your injuries.

Distracted Driving is a Leading Cause of Motorcycle Accidents

As noted above, one of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents is distracted driving. Distracted driving occurs when a driver engages in any activity while on the road that impairs their ability to drive. Motorcycle safety requires that drivers are aware and share the road, and distracted driving makes this impossible. 

One of the most common forms of distracted driving is texting while driving, which is an especially dangerous activity for the distracted driver themselves, any motorcyclists on the road, and other drivers alike. Texting while driving leads to three types of impairment: 

  • Manual – when a driver has their hands on their cell phone sending a text message, their hands are not on the wheel, and they are unable to safely respond to changes in road conditions.
  • Mental – staying safe while driving requires that the driver pay attention, and when a driver is thinking about their text message, their mind is not on their driving and safety and reaction times decrease.
  • Visual – eyes on a cell phone mean that eyes are not on the road, and when traveling at high speeds, taking one’s eyes off of the road for even a moment can lead to a catastrophic accident.

Unsafe drivers who cause accidents are liable for the damages that they cause, but how do you know when the other driver was responsible? 

Your Motorcycle Accident Attorney Works to Prove Liability

When you are paying attention to the road and doing your best to drive your motorcycle safely and responsibly, it is simply not possible for you to always keep tabs on the behavior of other drivers. Whether or not other drivers were paying attention, staying sober, or adequately rested is not something you could ever know. In the moments after your accident, you likely cannot investigate the situation to determine the mental states and sobriety of other drivers.

At the scene of the accident, it is helpful to call the police to check on the sobriety of the drivers involved, to create an incident report, and to help in the exchange of insurance information. If there are injuries, emergency medical service should be called immediately. Beyond that, though, how do you know what the other drivers were doing before the accident? Were they texting while driving? Were they impaired? Were they speeding? 

Your Cumming motorcycle accident attorney from Spaulding Injury Law can use investigative and legal tools like expert analysis, depositions, and more to determine liability on your behalf. With a complete picture of the accident and related evidence, your attorney can help to ensure you prove the liability of all relevant parties and collect the compensation you deserve so your family doesn’t have to cover related costs. 


Should I Accept a Settlement Offer Without Speaking with an Attorney?

The insurance company hopes that you will accept an offer of settlement without first speaking with an attorney. Unrepresented claimants often accept far less than they truly deserve. Insurance companies offer quick and low offers of settlement, hoping that you will accept one before fully measuring or understanding your damages. If you inadvertently accept too little in compensation, it will leave you and your family to make up the difference and cover all your future losses. 


With a motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, you do not need to worry about accepting a lowball offer. We advise when an offer is insufficient and negotiate for a higher amount. Always consult with a lawyer before you accept anything at all from an insurance company. 


Losing a Loved One in a Motorcycle Accident Could Entitle you to Compensation

If you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, you could be entitled to compensation through what is known as a wrongful death claim. When you have lost a loved one to an accident, this claim enables you to recover damages for the losses your family incurred from the untimely and preventable death.


The purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to put you and your family in as close a financial position as possible as though the accident had not happened. Losing a loved one can cost your family a great deal, both in terms of losing financial support and also emotional support. When you lose a loved one to a catastrophic injury from an accident, you are eligible to receive compensation for both the enormous emotional and financial loss. 


While no amount of money can bring your loved one back, the party responsible for the accident is obligated to attempt to replace some of the value that has been lost. Financial recovery can reduce financial stress on your family, as well as bring a sense of justice and closure following the unexpected loss. 


Our legal team can evaluate whether you are qualified to bring a wrongful death claim following a fatal motorcycle accident. We can then handle every step of the wrongful death claim process so that you and your family can focus on your grief and emotional recovery. We are committed to standing up for your lost loved one. 

How Do You Pay a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Prior to accepting a case, we provide a risk-free, cost-free assessment of your accident and injuries to determine if we can help. When we take motorcycle accident cases, we take them on a contingency basis. This means that we are only paid if we win compensation in your case, and our payment comes from a portion of your settlement or award. You are not obligated to pay anything when you reach out for a consultation, decide to hire our firm, or while your case is pending.


You have nothing to lose by working with a motorcycle accident attorney from Spaulding Injury Law, and doing so supports the best possible outcome in your case. There is no cost to get started and no out-of-pocket expenses or fees. We take the time to discuss all options and explain everything before getting started, so that you only move forward if and when you are comfortable. 


Most Common Questions About Motorcycle Accidents

Below are some common questions we have received from motorcycle injury victims in the past:

Motorcycle Accidents

What Kind of Injuries Do Motorcyclists Need Compensation For?

Unfortunately, motorcyclists are often seriously injured in motorcycle accidents because they do not have airbags or seat belts to protect them. Many bikers are thrown onto the pavement in an accident. Some bikes fall off of their bikes and are crushed when the motorcycle comes down on top of them.

One of the most common motorcycle accident injuries is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). You can sustain a TBI if you suffer a blow to the head or violently jerk your head back and forth.

Even if motorcyclists are wearing helmets, they can sustain severe TBIs when their heads make contact with the pavement. Even a mild TBI can lead to long-term consequences and changes in mood and cognitive ability.

Another common injury is road rash, which occurs when the motorcycle slides across the road. Minor road rash cases may heal up in a matter of days. But, it’s possible to sustain severe road rash that causes deep wounds and nerve damage.

Motorcyclists can also sustain bone fractures in an accident. Any bone in the body can fracture, but motorcyclists often fracture their tibias or fibulas during an accident.

This is just a small sample of the injuries that you may sustain in an accident. Other common injuries include crushed limbs, spinal cord damage, and biker’s arm. If you have sustained an injury in a motorcycle accident, you will need to get in touch with a motorcycle accident attorney to discuss your rights.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents That Our Law Firm Handles?

Many motorcycle accidents are caused by negligent drivers. Motorists may fail to spot motorcyclists on the road, so they may collide into them when changing lanes, passing through an intersection, making turns, or merging.

Road hazards such as potholes and debris can also cause motorcycle accidents if the motorcyclist fails to get out of the way in time. To prevent these accidents, it’s important for motorcyclists to stay alert at all times.

How Can A Motorcycle Injury Attorney in Cumming, GA Help?

It’s recommended that you seek legal representation immediately after a motorcycle accident. But, being represented by an attorney is not required, so why do you need one? The injuries that you have sustained may be serious, and you may not be able to focus on your personal injury claim and your recovery at the same time.

An attorney can step in, begin to investigate the accident and gather the evidence needed to prove liability. Then, he can contact the insurance company and begin the process of negotiating a settlement.

If you don’t have an attorney, the insurance adjuster may try to get you to accept partial or complete blame for the accident so they don’t have to pay you as much. Insurance companies may also try to get you to say that your injuries are not as serious as you originally claimed.

But if you have a motorcycle accident lawyer, none of these tricks will work. An attorney will ensure that you are treated fairly so you can recover the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Most motorcycle accident cases are settled during negotiations between both sides’ attorneys. However, a small percentage of cases will end up in court. It’s best that you prepare for taking your case to trial in the event that this happens to you.

How? By choosing a motorcycle accident attorney who can handle every part of your personal injury claim, from the negotiations with the insurance company to the closing statements at the trial.

How Much Compensation Can The Best Law Firms Help You Recover

It’s impossible to predict the exact amount of compensation that you will recover after a motorcycle accident, however, you may be able to recover economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.

Economic damages are given to victims who have incurred expenses or suffered losses as a result of the accident. For example, if you have had to pay for medical treatment or miss work during your recovery, you would be entitled to economic damages.

Non-economic damages are awarded in cases where the plaintiff has endured emotional pain and suffering. Emotional pain can be difficult to prove, but it is typically acknowledged in cases where the injuries are severe and have greatly affected the victim’s life.

Finally, there are punitive damages. These are awarded in cases where the court believes the defendant acted with extreme negligence. Whereas economic and non-economic damages compensate the victim for something specific, punitive damages are used to punish the defendant for his behavior.

To get an idea of how much you should expect to recover in your claim, it’s best to speak to an attorney immediately after the accident. You can improve your chances of recovering compensation by documenting as much evidence as possible. Hold onto your medical records and keep track of all the expenses you have incurred as a result of the accident.

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Law Firm in Cumming, GA

To schedule a free consultation with our team of skilled Cumming motorcycle accident attorneys, call (470) 695-9950 or send us an email by filling out the online contact form on our website today. Take a look at the informative articles on our blog to learn more about recovering compensation after a motorcycle accident.

Spaulding Injury Law Cumming Personal Injury Lawyers is located at 5860 Bond St, Cumming, GA 30040, United States.